Welcome to the Ecolonomic Blog

Well,  I am officially now a blogger.  I hope you get some value, knowledge or entertainment from what we will write in our blog from this time forward. 

Let me introduce myself, I’m Wayne Dorband, and I am excited to be newly elected to the Board of Directors of the Institute of Ecolonomics.  It is an honor and a big responsibility.  We have huge shoes to fill to try to fulfill the dream that Dennis Weaver conceived almost 15 years ago when he formed IOE.  I beleive that Dennis was a man with a passion and a belief system that was just a little before his time, and it is too bad that he passed away before the timing was right for IOE to greatly blossom and grow.

Well, that time is now!!.  The world is ready to embrace Ecolonomics.  The word will become as common in peoples vocabulary as “green” or eco-friendly or sustainable.  It really more rightly describes what we should be considering as we try to change our world to become more balanced, long-lived and enjoyable. 

As time goes by you are going to see (and hopefully be a part of) IOE become a world leader in promoting technologies that will revolutionize aspects of sustainable life.  We will become effective educators for youth to adults about products and services that have Ecolonomic value, and we will be supportive of causes that are truly necessary for the healthy future of our planet and our place as residents of it.

So, please, take this journey with me.  Join the Institute!!  Volunteer your time and passion to help us with this vital mission.  It will be fun.  It will be challenging, and most of all it will be meaningful.  Until we talk again, best wishes and God be with you.


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