Another Successful Celebrate Sustainability Event

Well, it has taken us awhile to write about it, but our Fourth Annual Celebrate Sustainability Event at Mountain Sky Ranch was a huge success.  We had beautiful weather, great attendance, and a good time was had by all.  We had a handful of vendors and exhibitors, and we filled the day with tours, lectures and our famously good raffle give-aways.  And, as last year we capped off the amazing day with almost three hours of blues and other awesome music from Davey and the Blue Dog.

A highlight was our newly operating commercial scale Feed in a Box system, where we are now producing over 1000 lb. per day of delicious livestock micro-greens (sometimes called fodder).  We have a 40 foot long shipping container that has been used for our building for our proprietary system.  Dustin Dorband designed this incredible system, and we have now been successfully operating it and getting daily nutritious livestock feed for over two months.

There were hayrides for the kids, fishing all day in the ponds and a recycled box building center.  Several young folks caught their first fish ever.  What a joy.  The baby alpacas were a treat to see and guests were able to see our aquaponics systems functioning also.

We are looking forward to year five in 2013 and many years to come.  Come and visit us when you get a chance.

I Have Been Such a Derelict

I am so, so sorry.  I have not been updating this blog as I so know that I should.  Here I am a guy that talks about being so aware and excited about social marketing and I am violating the number one rule of social marketing which is to continually provide your “community/tribe” with fresh and new information that is of some value. I have just not been doing that.  I could make every excuse in the world, but they are like armpits – I have two of them and they both stink!!

So I need to start a new era and dedicate myself and our team to a new beginning of being diligent about updating you all with our activities, thoughts, concepts, ideas and anything else that can help you and us be more ecolonomic.  Let me ask you a favor.  I need your help.  If you encourage me through your comments about ideas you have to help us be more accountable in our blogging and information provision I know it will help us.  Write your comments to this article about ways we can improve our accountability towards more consistent blogging and article posting.

We would also enjoy articles that you might be writing.  Don’t be shy.  You all have stories to tell and we have an audience.  We would love to let our community know about ideas and thought that you have to help make the planet better and to make a little money doing it – ECOLONOMICS.  So you write to me please, and I will pledge that I/we will become more accountable and write to you.  Cheers.

Wayne – DrEcolonomics